Monday, October 25, 2010

This is a good example of online help for learners, whose first language is not English.  I start with the famous DAVE’S CAFE
 Here some examples of the links:

·         Idea Cookbook
·         International Job Forums
·         Korean Job Forums
·         Post Your Resume
·         Teacher Forums
·         Teacher Training Forum

If your school has students who struggle with English I will introduce you siome interesting resources that  know are good because I am an EFL teacher.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Education Game


Paul Allison, an English teacher at East-West School of International Studies in New York, has been playing  EVOKE right alongside his students. He's one of several teachers from the New York Writing Project who decided to experiment with the game as a springboard for digital literacy.

Here's how it works: Each week, a new chapter from a graphic novel introduces players to a different challenge from the not-so-distant future. These "missions" range from food scarcity to human trafficking. Players respond -- and earn points -- by posting blogs, videos, or photos that convey their proposed solutions or reactions. They also comment on other players' postings, sparking dialogue, collaboration, and critical thinking.

"The technique of imitating the behaviour of some situation or system (Economic, Mechanical etc.) by means of an analogous model, situation, or apparatus, either to gain information more conveniently or to train personnel."

Last, First. (2010) whataresimulations.pdf (application/pdf Object. Retrieved October 06, 2010, from